Thursday 5 July 2012

Three Handy Mouse Shortcuts to Speed Up Using Microsoft Word

There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word and here is a usefull one to improve your use of MS word. Here are three mouse shortcuts for Word that I think you will use a lot:

Quick way to highlight (select) an entire line—Click once on the left side of the document opposite the desired line. Make sure the mouse pointer is far enough to the left so that the cursor has changed to an arrow.
Quick way to highlight an entire paragraph—Triple-click within the paragraph
Quick way to highlight an entire document—Triple-click on the left side of the document. Make sure the mouse pointer is far enough to the left so that the cursor has changed to an arrow.

And there you have it - three mouse shortcuts that will help make your work go a little faster. For additional useful mouse shortcuts, go to this link.

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